I need to apologize, but there are about to be a THOUSAND pictures posted because I just can't decide what ones I like the best. (and I only put up a fraction of the ones I like...)
My Grandma Stratton (aka GG which is short for Great-Grandma) lives in the center of a beautiful cherry and apple orchard in Orem Utah. My Grandparents have been fruit and veggie farmers all their lives, and so with my grandparents before that, and before that. I'm very proud of that aspect of my heritage, and when I talk to Grandpa Stratton about it you can see the joy and the love he has for farming. He loves to see life growing and renewing every year.
I took Teya, Ava, and Cohen to GG's house and spent the ENTIRE day outside exploring from one thing to the next. It was heaven for the kids, and heaven for me! I remembered the countless summer days spent adventuring in those orchards with my sisters and cousins, getting lost in the imaginary worlds that are found there. Now I get to do it all over again with my little girl and her cousins. Life is simply beautiful.Looks like Cohen is radiating light,
The girls wanted to climb the trees, which translated to me lifting them on and off various branches for an hour. They had fun ;)
LOVE her face, my Joy.
A tiff caught in the mist of the action... Teya protecting her bird cage from Ava's grasp!
Ava sees a bug on her flower, squeals, and Teya comes over to investigate.
She is really NOT liking that bug on her flower.
The look of the guilty and the look of the offended.
I love how the reflection of the sky and mountains can be seen over the lace.
Why so sad?
My beauty.
Ava was looking for bunnies...
...Cohen was looking for rocks...
...and Teya was looking for fairies.
Has there ever been a chubbier happier baby face?
I posted this one simply to illustrate how dirty they were getting, and this was only half way through the day. It's good for them tough, they're healthier for it ;) I was just as bad as well... only without the stained panties.
This is at the fruit stand (8th North in Orem) where some of my Grandpas produce is sold turning the harvest.
Rolling down a grassy hill. The thrill is worth the grassy rash afterward.
Tangled snared branches.
It's like she's floating high in the blossoms.
This shot of the girls turned out so neat, but you need to click on it so it enlarges to get the full effect!
He means business in this picture.
I like the effect of these ones.
In the end, after 6 hours of adventure... 3 nakey babies is what I had left. They were all so ridiculously filthy (I taught the girls how to squat in the fields, but they still need to work on their angels...) that they took a huge bubble bath...
... and it was THEN I realized that I didn't have any clothes to put them in for the car ride home. Teya didn't seem to notice, in fact I think she was excited I didn't have anything for her to wear... Ava on the other hand looks a little worried. Sorry Jessie ;)
Not a lot to say, but a LOT of pictures to post ;)
Be prepared for overload, I'm putting them all up for future album reasons.....
We spent the day trying to find dresses for Kara's wedding. We had success with the brides maid's dresses, not so much with the Maid of Honor Dresses.
Teya & Ava riding a roller coaster in the mall... Teya was screaming and both were brave enough to lift ONE hand ;) I think this skill was acquired from all those Disneyland visits...
Photo shoot session after Teya had a self-given makeover at the Mac counter in Nordies. So funny to see the poses they come up with on their own!
This one kills me, she intentionally made this stylin' face and held it forever... what a goof!
This is her go to pose, it's like an automatic response now when I pull out a camera. In the picture below I'm imitating HER, I think I'll call it the "Zoolander."
Teya hooked us up with these colorful shades. She was feeling groovy. Cohen is darling in this picture, a perfect shot of his chubby little face!
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