Pam, our girls, and I spent the day at, where else? DISNEYLAND! This was loooong awaited since we planned on doing a day there together before I even moved away. The magic never dies at Disneyland, even if it's the ump-teenth time you've been;)
What I miss most about that day is the Churro, Why did I only have one?? I failed to take advantage of their sweet goodness and the excuse "Hey, I'm on vacation!" Getting into the park is the first line of the day... the first of many!
Abby was a little nervous for our first ride of the day, It's A Small World, but I don't blame her. I was nervous too knowing we were dooming ourselves to have that song replaying through our minds for the next solid week, slowly driving us insane... (Pam looks gorgeous in this picture!)
We waited an HOUR to see the princesses, by then end of the wait the girls were weak and withered....
.... but it was worth it;)
We scored by seeing more princess than usual as we caught them in the middle of their shift transitions. I love you Ariel, but Prince Eric is MINE!!
The only time Teya got nervous was with Mulan, it might have something to do with that monstrosity of a hair comb that looks more like a toothed weapon.
Mm hm, I dropped 12 bones for this face painting! You will love it Teya! Note to self: paint child's face BEFORE coming to Disneyland and save a fortune. As expected, when I asked to see her face-art, I got the signature Teya poser pose.
There's just something about a carousel ride...
...I like it's simplicity and enchantment.
Would you believe Pam is 4 1/2 months preggers here??? You look amazing Pam, as I'm pretty sure I would still be able to see your six-pack abs if I took a peek.
Je t'aime, les filles de Studio City (et environ). Mon coeur reste avec tout le monde!
Posted by Tawny
Back in LA for a visit, I scored and was there the weekend of our Bunko group. YAE! The most happening night of the month... I'm seriously considering making it a monthly trip to come out this Friday! (You ought to too Pam) Now mind you, this is no ordinary roll-of-the-dice night. The competition's intense, the conversations insane, the laughter is knee slappin' good, the food delish, and it becomes so loud crazy & fun at times that any onlooker would have a hard time believing we're all sober. These women are the greatest friends I have ever had, and I can't stand that life has taken me away from them for a time! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!! One of the definitions of Heaven on Earth! Kathy made a dinner and dessert combo for the history books. Mmmmm, take me back... I'm calling in for ALL the recipes next time I have to host anything. Kathy should be an award winning hostess, she really made it a wonderful night.
It also happened to be Tiare's birthday, so she got a sing-song moment.
Ally & Naomi
Beauties!! Beauties are above and below!
"Oh, me?You're taking a picture of ME?!"
"I'm so surprised! You caught me off guard!" (Michelle still didn't realize she was in the pictures at this point... )
"Come Michelle, join me in glee..." (I'm beginning to think Teya may have gotten her posing skills from S-izz-arah!)
"I'm so happy tonight, candidly laughing away..."
"Ow, this pony-tail is hurting my head, I must take it out and fluff up my hair..."
"Let's get some nice movement to this style! Just casually fluffing away..."
"Whoops, got a little carried away now I can't see..."
"...I'll just lick my finger and slick it back a bit. Hi Danny-boy!"
You'll notice that even though she's kidding around she still looks b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l!! It takes a great face to pull that off.
Wow! Shel looks flawless, Kate looks intense, and Arianne looks dreamy;)
At Bunko you'll always find Some good story-telling...
(it kinda looks like Rach is singing us a lovely song)
I'm relieved we both pulled a face in this shot, then of course Pam challenged me to try and look cute for a picture...
So here's my attempt at sugary sweetness, head cocked all the way to the side and everything! Dripping with cuteness Pam!!
I think this is when Arianne was dropping the idea for a sleepover next month, by the look on Shels face I bet it was;)
Ally Ally, bo bally, banana fanna fo fally, me mi mo mally... ALLY!
The night is done: I think Sarah is disgusted it's over already?
All everyone! Sorry the picture quality isn't sharp, I tried to adjust as much as was possible. What a rockin' group!!
Always like to put up the doubles incase someone likes how they look in the second shot and would rather save that picture... You'll notice Teya is here and its probably close to midnight. She's the good-sport trooper of the world for letting Mommy have this night while she cooperated and rested on the couch.
My cousin and aunt, Jo and Kathy, have opened up THE GREATEST fabric & sewing store in Preston Idaho. THE GREATEST! It has amazing, unique, adorable, and fashion forward fabrics you just can't and won't find anywhere else. Mom Teya and I took a little getaway to Idaho for Memorial Day and stopped into their shop. I was so inspired I wanted to make a gazillion trillion things, but since I don't exactly have a place of my own yet, I decided to take it slow and make Teya a skirt to begin with.
Teya's favorite animal right now is an owl, well, kind of. Her favorite nighty has little owls on it, her favorite cartoon has an owl... I thought I'd run with the theme;)
Wonderful Blogs to READ
Friends I Love to Stay Updated On
- Arlene & Chris
- Ashley & Kevin
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- Britt & Rich
- Claire & CB
- Crazy McCoys
- Emily & Mike
- Harmony & Brody
- Jenna & Joe
- Jenny & Chris
- Jessica & Garrett
- Jessica & Matt
- Kate Clark
- Lindsay & Bran
- Mel & Reno
- Michelle & Braydn
- Naomi, Tia & Kalei
- Pam & Andrew
- Rachel & Brandon S
- Sarah & Dan
- Sarah C
- Sommer & Ryan
- Tanya & Brian